Hi Everyone,
I have been doing a lot of moving about recently, there are many places to visit here, all with anchorages of various types, some good some not so good.
From my previous blog my itinerary has been as follows;
Marin anchor for three days,
Sainte Anne with trip ashore, Next morning a day trip to Fort de France bay to spot the layout and back to Saint Anne, Next morning Marin for quick shopping trip and dump garbage then trip to La Anse a La Ane with trip ashore, next morning a day trip to Saint Pierre and back, overnight in L'Anse a L'Ane, next morning clean dingy bottom on the beach and walkabout, Next morning trip a to
Les Trois Ilets, this is close to The Domaine de la Pagerie, Napoleons Josephine birth place, trip ashore, as I arrived another Yole race (local boats as before), This morning start early 0700hrs, put sail up, run aground! 2.3 feet on my sounder which means only 4'6" water and I need 5'6", had to wait then like a complete idiot for the ferry to come in at 0900hrs, and with full astern the wake bounced me off the mud! then off to
Sainte Pierre, trip ashore and where I am at anchor tonight. Each place has its own unique history, Sainte Pierre had a disasterous eruption of Mont Pelee in 1902 which killed just about all the europeans here, 30,000 people, with only one surviour. Tomorrow going back to Fort De France Bay to anchour at Fort De France city, see what I can find there. Will end this visit at Marin, they have good internet there so will be able to post the photo's I've taken, there is also a short movie of my shopping trip, why you may ask, well you go through a narrow channel through the mangrove swamp!
So more later