Sunday, September 2, 2012

The engine

Hi again,
Some more pics of were I am up to at the moment.
Pic 1 after 4 days engine ready for extraction

 Pic 2 Extracted into the saloon

 Pic 3 what a mess

 After another 3 days of cleaning and washing, pics of treating all the iron work 

 pic 7 followed by 2 coats of rust converter and then primed with metalic primer

 pic 8 and 9 and finally after 2 coats of white bilge paint

 Engine room is ready to put engine back in
The other thing I did was remove the deadwood holding bolts, well I removed the two I found, but the third one wasn't to be seen, I couldn't knock it through  either. So during the cleaning a trial hole was drilled over 2 ft long through the stern knee and keel. I didn't get that right. So another hole was drilled, carefully! that was no good either, well not for holding the deadwood, but ok for the iron floor. I had over 2 ft to drill with a bronze 5/8 bolt fwd and aft, aiming at only a 3" wide bit of wood, It had to come out dead centre and miss the missing bolt and the other floor bolt still in position.
So armed with the 2-1/2 foot long drill and being very nervous I eyeballed it all again took a deep breath and drilled a third hole through the boat bottom. Success! missed the bolt by 3/4" and dead centre!
So now I can put the deadwood in position drill mounting holes, replace the deadwood and finish the last bit of hull damage.