Thursday, December 16, 2010

Antigua 2

Hi All,
Well I've had a few days on the boat now, this has given me time to see how she fared whist alone in the hot sun for a few months. Before I left I connected all 4 batteries together and through a controller connected my 3 solar chargers, I also left my anchor light up the masthead turned on, it was nice to see it shining on the first night in the yacht club bar while having a beer with Kate and Barry. When I got on board the batteries were all charged up ready to go. The rest of the boat outside was in good condition, just as I'd left it, woodwork is a bit sun bleached and will need a scrub and oiling but apart from that she is in good condition and is still being praised by passersby
Inside though was a different story, the hot and humid conditions, and lots and lots of rain, had allowed a lot of mold to take hold, and right now I am in cleaning mode, everything has to be washed and cleaned.
Personally I found I had lost my immunity to mossey bites! and have spent a few uncomfortable days getting covered in itchy bites, but that has calmed down now and I am not getting bitten that often.
The good news is all my communications are now working again. I invested in a WiFi booster and that is allowing me good internet connection, also I invested in a different type USB adapter for my Satellite and can report a success there too. I have full access again, and with the replaced laptop can type messages at last.
I've had my first journey on the water already, when I gave 'Len' a hand taking his boat to English Harbour on Monday, I met Len in the bar on Friday night.
Will let everyone know how I get on with the cleaning.