pic 1 botm right Pillars of Hercules English Harbour
pic 2 botm left winners plaques
pic 3 enjoying the afternoon Shirley's height's
pic 4 The AMP Halcyon Steel Band
pic 5 'Atlantide' a very beautiful retro motor yacht
Hi Everyone,
Missed posting a few pics whilst involved in GL's troubles, it was difficult to get a solid internet connection and signal kept dropping out. So this series of retro posts starts here after the Racing in April 2010, leaving English harbour to Falmouth harbour Antigua. Spruce left for Bermuda very soon after, and Moonlight left heading for Grenada.
Alerian's, Daria and Alex (Yachting Journalists of the 'Classic Boat' Mag article) The Tatulah's, Ali and Shane and crew John + myself went for a final visit to Shirley's Height's. Then as Aleria waited for gearbox parts and I for engine parts, Tatulah left the anchorage bound for 'Horta'. A few days after, Aleria all fixed, left for 'Horta' via 'St Martean'. I was still there waiting for the parts and failed passport renewal, I then decided to leave engineless.
Everyone knows the story from there on the blog, so now the pics.