Friday, June 19, 2009
Still At Ria de Vivero
Waiting for a weather window again, La Caruna is only 11hrs away as my next port of call but another bad forecast has kept me here today, force 7 everywhere in sea area Finistere!!! apparently there is a north west swell running into the Bay of Biscay too, and the predicted wind is North east, 90deg difference which makes for a very rough sea, I or the boat won't be havin any of that thank you very much. The town here is very nice, as are the bars. The local people couldnt be more friendly, my thanks go to the proprieter of Motomar, Luis proprieter of a hardware shop, Clara from information comercial and others who helped me very much with a slight acquistion of materials problem, both of which were sorted out AOK. The local beer is only 1 euro a glass, and a lot of bars and resurants have a sign saying 'Si Fuma' Magic! what more can I say.