Hi all, I know its been awhile since last blog, but thats the way it goes out on a small Caribbean Island!
Pics with a bit of text follows
Pic 1 + 2 view of the deck support beams
Bow with Knight head removed and support knee |
starb side toe rail sticking out |
making new bolt for stem head knee 1 |
and 2 |
After the stem head was re-secured I then made a pile of bolts to bolt all the support beams together, this out of the bronze rods I received in Rodney Bay
pic of bolts |
bolts in position ready before hardening up |
everything was then tightened up, its now even stronger than 'as built' as these frames were never screwed together when built.
fitting the new knight head |
The new knight head was made from Mahogany as I couldn't find any teak big enough, so used what I could find.
view 2 |
Then came refitting and bolting the planks through the now bolted up knight head.
once refitted planks were re-caulked |
caulking finished |
Then came re planking the deck, The wood I bought last year arrived only 3/4" thick! when I left it was 1:1/8" thick, somewere between then and now someone took a slice off the plank! this meant it wasn't thick enough to do the job. I complained to the wood yard and he sent a very bad piece an inch thick, still not good enough to fix the deck. So had to improvise as was not going to get it replaced. the board is now made of three pieces, and will not be that obvious when finished.
making the covering board |
putting the toe rail back |
capping rail and deck fittings |
Then the last part of this job was the cracked frame. Before leaving St Lucia I acquired a couple of stainless shroud plates of a yacht. After cutting to size I bolted the frame together with them, they are highly polished and look a bit out of place in the chain locker, but they will do the job fine.
shroud plates fitted |
That was all done 2weeks ago, since then I have found the underwater leaks re-caulked all the bad seams and done a bottom antifoul paint job and this morning finished the boot top. I have now to do a hull touch up job and caulk the deck, I have been waiting for the seam compound to arrive from Grenada for 3 weeks now and its still not here today.
Well Guys and Gals its taken me since 10:30am till now 13:20pm to do this post, so all that time lost in the yard, only 5 mins at home.
More coming eventually.