Thursday, May 16, 2013

More News for May

Hi everyone,
Have been out of the water since the end of the classics, and have taken great care to address any suspect seams. I identified were the last big leak was coming from, which has now been fixed, the only seam I didn't do during repairs.
Had a fuel leak problem too, I have during the fix, modified the position of the fuel supply rail, if it ever happens again I won't need to take the dam engine to bits to fix it.
It is holiday weekend on Saturday, so I am trying to launch the boat tomorrow. Will need to stay alongside for a day or two, to sort all the tools out and tidy up.
Will know today if I have to go to St Martin for some bits and pieces, I could get them here if lucky.
The next plan is to take the boat somewhere safe, I then hope to go to UK for THE wedding, and of course catch up with as many friends as possible.
Hope everyone is safe and well, I now have no Laptop again, so have lost all email addresses yet again, Antigua and my laptops have not got on very well together.
Will try and keep up to date when I can find another cafe with internet.
Message for Carolyn, "will try and text positions to you for the blog, when cellphone is in range"
All the best to all
