Hi everyone,
Have not had internet for quite awhile as I moved out of the marina, I am now anchored outside the lagoon by Pidgeon Island, its about 2 miles away from Rodney Bay and takes 3/4 hr to come ashore there, so sorry I havn't posted for ages. Next plan is a visit to Marin in Martinique and I may even leave today if all goes well. Have enjoyed my stay here, it is a beautiful island and the people are very friendly, so much so, that the social events seem to keep you here as there is always something more to see or do.
I hope to return to St Lucia on about the 18-19 Feb to take part in the round the Island Rally on the 20th, its 2 days with an overnight stop in Vieux Fort, this could be good fun!
Pictures 1 is all those who took part in the farewell flotilla, and GL in Castries sailing around the harbour.
More about the next plan next post.